Many people who manage to do blogging or web site building would usually need to know how much visitor that has come to their blog / site. They could just attach simple hits counter to their page which iterates on every page load and its result would become irrelevant when that page is reloaded multiple time without any purpose of reading or even viewing the site. Moreover, this simple counter doesn't have log feature that provide statistical data of pageload.
If you want to accomodate both features you could use hits counter script and I will write a guide to make one, using the hits counter script from StatCounter, a free and easy to make web counter. You can see the example of this script in my blog, look at right section and you sould see StatCounter logo right there. When making this script, you can choose to whether displaying a counter or a logo.
To have access to the script, you should register in StatCounter Website and it will took less than 5 minutes. Then you could directly log in without doing any vericiation from your registered email.
Then add new project to your account, and you are free to customize your counter. Modify at as your need and after you finished with the customization, just make the script and follow the instruction given to add the script to your page.
Finished with making and attaching the script, now you can examine the traffic of your site. The statistic provided is clear and complete enough. There are page load, unique visitor and returning visitor statistic served in a nice bar chart. You can choose to view statistic daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly.
Here's a screenshot on how StatCounter performs.
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